April 3rd


You will find me no more
on the corner where you left me
You will touch me no more
as soft-hearted when you found me

One day, you’ll see-

I will leave you without a trace
you won’t even get an embrace
for the the cracking of my heart
for the flowing of my tears

One day, you’ll taste-

The pain of being a wall
can’t even order a call
to tell you- “notice me”
with all the blankness in me,
“choose me”

Because one day, I’ll get tired
and what I’m most afraid of
isn’t losing you, not even me
it’s when-

you’ve created a spring in me,
and for you all I could give-
are allergies

no matter how beautiful I become
you can never, ever
want me
in your life- closer

Because one day
I, this I,
will produce a magnetic field,
become a magnet,
so I could-

repel you!